Master Classes 






Fundamental Workflow Examples

These videos take you through the workflows of different image sets. This experience binds together much of the material presented in PixInsight Fundamentals - as you can see it all in action. Please do review the other sections before watching this workflow series. However, if you cannot wait- these workflows can be followed as "recipes" for how to create images in PixInsight.  CMOS and DSLR examples are also available below!


LDN 183 RGB (2024)


This image processing tutorial includes a workflow guide as it follows standard processing in general. There are however some key observations that will enhance an understanding of how to handle less-than-perfect data (just as this set is... ).


M83 LRGB (2024)

 In this short course we process data from Telescope Live. This is an LRGB dataset that can serve as an excellent example of the methods and techniques used today for this kind of processing. 


Northern Wisps (2024)

Published 2024-05-05

 Shown here is an up-to-date workflow of faint nebulosity with the latest tools and techniques. This demonstration also highlights important concepts concerning normalization of data. The example outlined here solves a specific problem and you can instantly use the information to get the most out of your own images (and not throw them away unnecessarily). 


NGC 1491 Workflow (2023)


Published 2023-12-12 

Includes new BXT usage.


Everyone Should Know This! 

Watch this Presentation I gave for the Astronomical League in June 2023. It is a simple processing workflow everyone should know.



*Simple WorkFlow (IC 1295)

(Data available for download. Follow the link above.)

 90 minutes 




"I am one of your Fundamentals subscribers and have just finished working on the M42 processing tutorial. I have never been satisfied with my attempts multi-exposure HDR imaging of Orion, but am now happy with the result I attained after following your tutorial."  -member of AdamBlockStudios


*These are the Fundamental PixInsight Path

NGC 1333 (2022)  NGC 1333 Workflow

(Dusty Nebula example, RGB, Starless image, Mono data, Undersampled, most Current WBPP)



BEAUTIFUL NGC 3486 (2021 version) NGC 3486 Workflow

(Spiral Galaxy, LRGB, subtle enhancements)



OSC NGC 300 data courtesy of Grahame Kelaher  NGC 300 Workflow 

(Excellent example of "non-professional" (typical) data with an OSC data set.)


One shot color (OSC) data has a few minor variations in how to initially handle the information. Then most of the processing follows exactly the same types of paths illustrated in previous lessons. The videos below are a bit dated... but there are some good explanatory examples demonstrated.


Tau Canis Majoris Region (includes WBPP 2.1)  Tau Canis Majoris Region Workflow


Constellation Leo DSLR  Constellation Leo DSLR Workflow


Cassiopeia with Canon Ra and StarAdventurer (data!)  Cassiopeia with Canon Ra and StarAdventurer Workflow


M51 Courtesy of Josep Drudis  M51 Workflow

(This is a kind of challenging one. There is a better M51 example in Horizons. )


 Final Result for NGC 3486: