Master Classes 






Narrowband FastTrack



 ** Get the $100 Discount towards Horizons

This group of videos is a Primer for the Course. 

The workflow examples are below with data provided for each to follow along.


Filters and Transmission 7 minutes
NB Filters in Detail 18 minutes
Multiband Filters with OSC 9 minutes
False Color, Mapped Color and SPCC 14 minutes
Calibration Pedestals 20 minutes
Calibration and WBPP 22 minutes
Elements of Narrowband: Histograms 15 minutes
Narrowband Combine Methods (1) 23 minutes
Narrowband Combine Methods (2): Pixel Math 16 minutes
Narrowband Combine Methods (3a): NB ColourMapper 13 minutes
Narrowband Combine Methods (3b): NB ColourMapper 6 minutes
Other NB Combine Methods 8 minutes
Colored Stars from NB Data (1) 16 minutes
Colored Stars from NB Data (2) 18 minutes
Colored Stars with NB Normalization 11 minutes


 Narrowband Workflow Guide (General)   


Wizard Nebula Demo 


Data Download

See the full image on Astrobin. 

Workflow 1: SXT, Channel Combine, NB Colored Stars (BXT for stars) 15 minutes
Workflow 2: Linear Fit, Narrowband Normalization, BXT, Blemish Removal 24 minutes
Workflow 3: NXT, Image Blend, SelectiveColor, and other Final Adjustments 30 minutes
Ooops I Messed Up But Kinda Like It 8 minutes
Inserting RGB Stars into NarrowBand Images 17 minutes
NB LRGB Demo 16 minutes




WR 134 Demo

Data Download

See the full image on Astrobin. 

HOO Workflow: Pixel Math and NBN  Part 1 17 minutes
HOO Workflow: BXT,DBE,ImageBlend... and more.. to Final image 28 minutes
HOO WR 134 Update 7 minutes



WR 134 SII addition (The Gilding Method)



See the full image on Astrobin. 





22 minutes





M16 Dual Band OSC HOO Demo

(ASKAR D1 and D2 Filters)

Data Download

Dual Band OSC HOO: Examine Data and WBPP

26 minutes
Dual Band OSC HOO: DBXtract, NXT, NBN, Lum Planning  32 minutes

 Dual Band OSC HOO: HDRMT, L(Ha)HaOO, High Pass Filter  

30 minutes







M16  SII addition (The Gilding Method)











16 minutes




Dragons of Ara Update using FB Narrowband Methods

See the image on Astrobin!

23 minutes




 Helix Nebula  (Full Narrowband using Adam's Technique!)


See the full image on Astrobin


Helix Nebula: SXT and Linear Fit 15 minutes
Helix Nebula: BXT, Slow Stretch and HOO 22 minutes
Helix Nebula: SII Inclusion (gild) and Multiply 22 minutes
Helix Nebula: Luminance and Final Rendering 32 minutes




Rosette Full Narrowband Demonstration Using Adam's Technique!

Download Russ Croman's NB with RGB Rosette Data

29 minutes

NGC 7000: North American Nebula (new method)

21 minutes