Master Classes 






Image Integration

Update 2023-02-06


Few (any?) tutorials attempt to explain the functionality of the Image Integration process from first principles. At Adam Block Studios we do not shy away from the challenge. The goal is always to explain what the parameters of a process mean and WHY you might use one or another. With the image integration primer under your belt (the sections immeadiately below), the ImageIntegration instructions dive into an explanation of the tool that ties everything together and highlights the most important step of signal image processing. Image Integration simply averages a set of values.... but the features of Image Integration pursue the goal of outputting the best estimation of that average given the sources of noise and bias found in the data.


 * These are on the Fundamental PixInsight Path


*Image Integration Primer: Fluctuations 20 minutes

*Image Integration Primer: Part 2         21 minutes

*Image Integration Primer: Part 3         20 minutes

*Image Integration Primer: Part 4         15 minutes

Image Integration Primer: Part 5 (Dynamic PSF) 23 minutes



Image Integration  instructions 2023 (watch after reviewing the above sections)

Please watch Second Instance of PixInsight video first, under QuickStart.

The videos below were published in 2018.  Although older, many of these videos are more complete in explaining many things. In the Output Normalization section below- I discuss the dispersion of the image and how it is used to normalize images. This is synonymous with the SNR Estimate (a new name) that I describe in the videos above concerning normalization and weighting of data. 

Recent Articles

Optimizing Rejection: Minimizing Artifacts

Image Integration 2023 Part 3

Image Integration 2023 Part 2

Image Integration 2023 Part 1

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Image Integration: Final Walk Through

Image Integration: Output Normalization

Image Integration: Pixel Rejection the Output

Image Integration: Pixel Rejection

Image Integration: Normalization

Image Integration: Introduction and Workflow

Image Integration Primer Part 5 (Statistics and Dynamic PSF)

Image Integration Primer Part 4 (Statistics)

Image Integration Primer Part 3 (Statistics)

Image Integration Primer Part 2 (Fluctuations)

Image Integration Primer Part 1 (Fluctuations)