C2022E3(ZTF) 2023-01-21
Published January 2023.
Comet data from 2023-01-21
Note: This session has solid information. However, one by product of integrating star only images (unscreened from SXT) is that they have no background. This means you rely on the comet only (starless images) for the background. You will note the background is dark here. The newest method I published is a hybrid of this and the standard method which resolves this issue. See the best current workflow here!
This demonstration is a small update (with new data) of the first Comet ZTF workflow example. The new material here includes using the new CometAlignment process, a resampling technique, G2V color calibration with SPCC, and a special usage of DBE to help with star residual removal (after MLT).
(see also the other processing example of this comet where I use CometAlignment exclusively)
Initial Calibration and Star Removal | 14 minutes | |
Stars Registration and Integration | 13 minutes | |
Comet Alignment and Color Creation | 22 minutes | |
Residual Star Minimization | 13 minutes | |
Final Work | 19 minutes | |
Create an Animation (Bonus) | 10 minutes |