Frank Barnes
Astrophotographer, master user of CCDAutoPilot, and AIC board member
Automation Using CCDAutoPilot
Frank will discuss CCDWare’s CCDAutoPilot for image acquisition. Frank has years of experience using AutoPilot to acquire images, both locally and remotely. Frank will discuss how the program works and make suggestions for optimizing it to allow imagers to collect the highest quality images from their equipment and observing location.
Frank will discuss CCDWare’s CCDAutoPilot for image acquisition. Frank has years of experience using AutoPilot to acquire images, both locally and remotely. Frank will discuss how the program works and make suggestions for optimizing it to allow imagers to collect the highest quality images from their equipment and observing location.
Frank has been imaging since 2000, starting out by setting up his equipment in his South Carolina backyard. After many nights of setting up and breaking down equipment, he decided to build an observatory in his back yard. Later he expanded his observatory sites, first at New Mexico Skies, and later at Sierra Remote Observatory in California. Frank often enjoys simultaneous image acquisition from his backyard observatory and his observatory on the other side of the United States. He has continuously used CCDAutoPilot to control image acquisition since its first release.
Frank has used his extensive experience to become a go-to person who shares his expertise on various forums, where he routinely answers questions posed by users.
Frank has been a member of the board of directors of AIC for many years where his work has helped produce AIC conferences, including this year's meeting.
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Frank has used his extensive experience to become a go-to person who shares his expertise on various forums, where he routinely answers questions posed by users.
Frank has been a member of the board of directors of AIC for many years where his work has helped produce AIC conferences, including this year's meeting.
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